To New Beginnings

August 03, 2023

On the 31st of July 2023, I found myself in somewhat unexpected yet familiar territory - unemployed due to redundancy. This isn't the first time I've found myself in this situation; the first time was back in 2009, during the depths of the credit crisis. Back then, I was just beginning my tech career as a Software Engineer while also undertaking a professional pathway program at City University, akin to an apprenticeship.

The impact of losing my job was harsh, yet illuminating. Being a first-generation immigrant, alongside my older brother, we had grown accustomed to channelling most of all my earnings into supporting my family, specifically towards mortgage payments and bills. Sharing this isn't intended as an appeal for sympathy, but rather to paint an honest picture of the uphill battle we faced. And yes, it was tough, but we always managed to find a way to keep moving forward.

The journey to securing employment again was a six-month-long challenge. Roughly three months in, with financial pressures mounting, I was ready to switch gears and consider going back to stacking shelves or even flipping burgers - jobs far removed from a tech career but honest work nonetheless. However, those opportunities seemed scarce too. In a fortunate turn of events, one of the lessons learnt from my early career - the value of networking - came to the rescue. A friend from my university, also part of the same professional pathway program, gave me a heads-up about an opening at their company. Before I knew it, I was back in the employment game. Although the role didn't fully align with my aspirations - the salary was lower and the hours were longer - I was just thankful for the opportunity to pursue my career in tech.

Fast forward 13 years, peppered with numerous career changes and thrilling ventures, I find myself staring at the familiar face of redundancy. But this time, the stakes are higher - I have a young family to provide for, my own mortgage to handle, and bills to pay. Nevertheless, armed with my past lessons and the resilience I've accrued over the years, I'm ready to face whatever lies ahead.

If you're going through a similar situation, I hope my short story serves as a beacon of hope. Remember, with perseverance, self-care, and the power of networking, you'll find your footing. As someone wiser than me recently told me “Somewhere out there is a job description being written for you”.

Stay strong, keep going, and trust in your journey.

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Warm greetings, and welcome to my digital den! I'm Oleg A Desantis, a tech enthusiast and passionate scribbler hailing from the vibrant city of London, UK. My work revolves around the fascinating realm of technology, but my pen roams far and wide. From engineering conundrums to insightful leadership perspectives, and reflections on the quirkiness of everyday life - I delve into it all. Stick around, explore, and if you find my musings engaging, connect with me on LinkedIn for more.